18 things to know....
October 21, 2009
found this via kiss.the.pen
:1: MY EX- just doesn't get it.
:2: MAYBE I SHOULD- start over, however I would go about doing that....
:3: I LOVE-funny & genuine people, writing/blogging, eating, sleeping, && being me =)
:4: PEOPLE WOULD SAY THAT I'M- not what they expected me to be.
:5: I DON'T UNDERSTAND- plenty of things, but I've just about given up on trying to understand.
:6: WHEN I WAKE UP IN THE MORNING- I hope &&pray things will go my way.
:7: I LOST- my ability to relate. I can't seem to relate to anyone because I think no one understands me...
:8: LIFE IS FULL OF- mistakes, get over it && go make your next one.
:9: MY PAST IS- what made me who I am, wouldn't change it for the world.
:10: I GET ANNOYED WHEN- people don't listen. Communication is key.
:11: PARTIES ARE-not what they use to be...
:12: I WISH- I didn't stress the small stuff as much...
:13: DOGS- scare the shit outta me
:14: CATS- are lazy, at least mine is...
:15: TOMORROW-I will do the same things I did today.
:16: I HAVE LOW TOLERANCE- for ignorance.
:17: IF I HAD A MILLION DOLLARS- I would pay off my student loans, my mom's bills. Put her in a nice ass house, get me my barbie dream house/car, &&rock out til I find my Ken.
:18: IM TOTALLY TERRIFIED- of being alone && poor.
feeling like you know me a little better?
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