you want fries with that?
December 15, 2009
there's one girl who I went to college with that I would always admire. she was a bigger girl but carried herself better than most. she was fashionable && had swag (for a lack of a better word).
I respected the fact that she embraced her size and dressed to fit it.
...getting to my point...
so I've gained a little weight. no more than ten pounds... but its enough weight where my clothes don't fit the same.
lately I've been overthinking things (more than usually) && came to some conclusions...
I am uncomfortable with buying larger clothes, not being able to buy jeans from any store I go in. I know something's got to give, I've ripped two pairs of jeans in the last month tryna fit into em [lmao].
I keep telling myself I'm gonna go on a diet, but lets be real... I love food way to much to break up with it. So should I just say fcuk it? Im beautiful regardless, and my body is still banging? (i know this is true, but i was more comfortable maybe one pant size smaller)...
what do you guys think?
i hate having these girly moments.
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