
October 28, 2009

SO!!!! MY best friend doesn't have HIV!

I've been hella busy with school this week (surprising yes I know lol).  Im tryna get  that 4.0 this semester.  I'll be back tomorrow with a real update, got lots to talk about.

Eury out.


new music.

Sharsm ft Kid Cudi- "She Came Along"

Timbaland ft Drake- "Say Something"


HIV hits home for me...

October 23, 2009

Shit is real out here.  So one of my closest friends (we actually use to be best friends, then college happened) might have HIV...

I'm stressing right now because although we fell off I still care deeply for him &&I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.  Now I just wanna know if it's true but I feel like I dont' even have the right to ask.


So this is how I found out.

My foster sister, V, is best friends with J.  J calls her up today saying they need to talk.  The two meet up && he drops the bomb on her.  "I have HIV".  Supposedly, they cried && carried on, but I wasn't there so I don't know.

Peep this tho, J tells V that he got it from my best friend && that my best friend knew he had it && chose not to tell him.<------ BOGUS!!!!

First off, my best friend is a big dude, and in the gay community they are less desirable.  With that said, he has never be the type to sleep around or be a man-whore.  J, my best friend, && I all went to high school together.  SO WE ALL KNEW EACH OTHER && WERE COOL.  We had that commerodary so I know if they started fooling around he woulda been a man about his && told J what was up.

So V automatically believed everything J said (which is to be expected, they're "Best Friends") && ran to my mom with this info, not me... which I feel is fucked up.

J doesn't exactly have the best reputation, && it's been this way since high school.  I wish him all the luck, but I'm more concerned with my best friend. fcuked up? sue me.

So I texted my best friend to see how he was doing.  We set a time to meet up tomorrow  (Saturday) && chill.  I have to know what's really going on, but Idk how to bring it up in conversation...

This whole situation is fcuked up.
Shit got real for a minute.  I never knew anyone with HIV or AIDS personally.  Hell, I never knew anybody with an uncurable STD/STI for that matter.

What y'all think?

Please ladies && gents, wrap it up.  In all types of sex you have.  &&Unless you've been in a committed relationship && there is no doubt in your mind you too are being faithful, please be safe!


don't sleep.

October 22, 2009

On Karina Pasian-


Melanie Fiona


I wanna see...

October 21, 2009

these movies!!

The Fourth Kind- about alien abductions

Twilight Saga- New Moon

2012- the end is near lol

Paranomal Activity

demand it!

guess im sorta a scifi geek huh?
what movies do you guys wanna see?


18 things to know....

found this via kiss.the.pen

:1: MY EX- just doesn't get it.
:2: MAYBE I SHOULD- start over, however I would go about doing that....
:3: I LOVE-funny & genuine people, writing/blogging, eating, sleeping, && being me =)
:4: PEOPLE WOULD SAY THAT I'M- not what they expected me to be.

:5: I DON'T UNDERSTAND- plenty of things, but I've just about given up on trying to understand.
:6: WHEN I WAKE UP IN THE MORNING- I hope &&pray things will go my way.
:7: I LOST- my ability to relate.  I can't seem to relate to anyone because I think no one understands me...
:8: LIFE IS FULL OF- mistakes, get over it && go make your next one.

:9: MY PAST IS- what made me who I am, wouldn't change it for the world.
:10: I GET ANNOYED WHEN- people don't listen.  Communication is key.
:11: PARTIES ARE-not what they use to be...
:12: I WISH- I didn't stress the small stuff as much...
:13: DOGS- scare the shit outta me

:14: CATS- are lazy, at least mine is...
:15: TOMORROW-I will do the same things I did today.
:16: I HAVE LOW TOLERANCE- for ignorance.
:17: IF I HAD A MILLION DOLLARS- I would pay off my student loans, my mom's bills.  Put her in a nice ass house, get me my barbie dream house/car, &&rock out til I find my Ken.
:18: IM TOTALLY TERRIFIED- of being alone && poor.

feeling like you know me a little better?



October 20, 2009

any aspiring/established graphic designers that follow this blg (or atleast reading this post) that would you like to design a heafer &&logo for my blog???

it would be greatly appreciated.

good night all.


throwback tuesdays.

October 19, 2009

the anthem right now. lol


sad (not really) realization

As my loyal followers would know, I just spent the weekend visiting the hubby && I had a great time!

I won't get into details, well cuz those are for me to enjoy in my private time ;)

But anyways, today on my 6 hour bus ride (blame greyhound they make a 2 hour trip into 17 hours j/k) I decided to put my ipod on shuffle...

Now when the ipod usually comes on I play Beyonce first, it doesn't matter the time of day, my mood, who I'm with, I'm bumpin Beyonce.

But today, something told me to try something different.

So I did.

For some reason a bunch of slow r&b, angry, sad, break up music kept coming on. 

  • Keisha Cole- I Shoulda Cheated
  • Beyonce- Resentment
  • Monica- Shoulda Known Better
the list could go on && on...

But the one thing I realized as I lost myself in the music (something I can only do in a moving vehicle appearently lol): I'm happy.

I am a content relationship wise (everything else still has me wanting more) and this is rare.  Usually there's something bad for me to dwell on or try to find flaws in the guy.
I am my own worst enemy.  I try to find ways to destroy my own happiness. I don't know why, but I do.  I start arguments.  I run away from relationships when they get too hard.  && I've been too afriad to admit it to myself.

But not this time.  I've noticed a change in me when weeks have gone by && we haven't argued lol.

What do you guys think?  Do you think this is a problem most women have in one way/shape/form/fashion?
I think we let too many outside influences come in between us && what we really want that we become accustom to not being happy/fulfilled...

Idk, its late && im rambling.
good night.


Better be worth the hype.

Rihanna's new album is coming and I'm a little nervous....  Since her last album she's become quite the little fashionista, but just because you can dress doesn't make you a great artist.  Now I was bumping "Good Girl Gone Bad" but her videos/live performances were lack luster.  Guess we'll just have to wait &&see.

ri ri on the set of her new music video.



TAG, im it... they got me!

October 18, 2009

Hey y'all!  I see we're into playing games (lol)... Anyways I got tagged by Trey, Khaki, &&☆Reese✮ (follow these entertaining people if you don't already)

The Rules:
1. Open your 1st photo folder
2. Scroll down to the 10th photo
3. Post that photo and story on your blog.
4. Tag 5 or more people

This is a picture of me && my aunt Kat.  We were in the Bahamas && were taste testing...  Not much of a story here, except my aunt hadn't had alcohol since april (the cruise was at the end of August) so she was very much drunk lol

  1. Shade 
  2. Cee Frizzle 
  3. ♥Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder♥
  4. Lou  
  5. RavynRae


Give -Away update!

Hey y'all, you have 13 days left to enter my first give away in partner with chickdowntown.com!

Click here for the details!

Read the rules carefully && good luck!!!


psycho babble.

October 16, 2009

I'm visiting my boyfriend away at his school && I started to reflect on our relationship.  I compare it to other people && their relationships, not because I am unhappy, but because I am a female && we tend to do these irrational things.

Any way.  I watched how couples who weren't having sex destroy their relationship by having sex.  Some people may argue that sex doesn't change anything but I beg to differ.

If you take the time out to get to know your bf/gf (&& I mean a few months at the very least) and you get to appreciate their company && personality then if something major happened (idk they lose their job,  or are crippled... know I'm an extremist) because you care for their being wouldn't you be more likely to stand by them then...

If you guys were only having sex?? If the only connection you have with a person is a physical one then when they're looks start to fade, wouldn't the connection also??

My point is people (especially my generation) need to slow with claiming people as their bf/gf when they barely know 'em.  And they damn sure need to slow down when it comes to fcukin' && suckin'

This is just my opinion of course && I have my own reasons for the random post...


my weekend.

October 12, 2009

My week end was chaotic, to say the least.

I went down to Maryland to visit some family.  This wasn't a casual visit, instead it was a stressful one.  My grandmother is back in the hospital.  Last winter she had a heart attack followed by a mild stroke.  She was pronounced dead for 45 minutes.

Then they resusitated her.

That was the saddest/happiest day of my life.  Any ways, sense then her health has been slowly fading.  She had a check a up with the doc && they told her she needed a blood tranfusion. So my family packed up && shipped out.

Luckily when we got there she was ok.  My crack head 2nd cousin (seriously she's on crack) had blown the situation way outta proportion && I was done with her before I had even started.

On the lighter note, I got to go to Walmart.  Being from NY (the closest one is in Queens which is a hour &&change away driving) and I got two really cute tops.

Don't sleep on walmart!  I find some really cute stuff everytime I'm there.  =)

My aunt cooked sunday dinner, after pissing me off.  She's the type that has a PhD in everything.  SO she brings up my father && tells me how I'm a bad daughter because I'm making no effort to mend our relationship.  DONT GET ME STARTED!

I got a phone call for a job interview on wednesday.  This'll be my first real job.  It's salaried, includes paid vacation time, and FULL TIME.

needless to say I could use the 5 figures lol.  But what will I do about school? My life just got real complicated outta no where.

Me && the hubby made plans to see each other this week =D
He's in PA && i'm in NY.  We haven't seen each other in two months, I hate long distance relationships...
But he's worth it (til he makes me mad lol)

I got a paper due so I'm outtie.  But let me know how you guy's  week end went.


bloggers block.

October 8, 2009


My life is currently very boring && I refuse to blog about celebrities any further....




Chris Rock promotes "good hair" on the Oprah Winfrey show.

October 7, 2009

part 2
part 3
part 4

I cannot wait to see this movie (even if he stole the premise from somebody else) in theaters Oct. 23rd!


new music.

October 5, 2009



(in case you don't wanna download it immediately)

Fallon & Felisha (Formerly of Cherish)-


Ryan Leslie ft. Bonji-


J Holiday-

Brand New (Drake Diss)

Sean Garret ft Gucci Mane-

Up In My Heart



I love you all.  No seriously.  I never thought many people would care about what I think or have to say.  I thought my followers were nameless people who "follow to be followed".

I'm glad I worked out the whole "won't let me comment" thing... Thank you to all that read "the social carnivore" && to those who follow [all 89 of you =)].

This is my baby && I'm glad I can share her with y'all.


blogspot light.

First off let me just say that I love a man with an opinion (I think it's rare && underrated)...
with that said:

Trey or Dub (not sure what he wants to be called)  is not short on opinions, humor, or style.  His blog is his own && original.  Most blogs run by guys on blogspot are strictly music, fashion, sports, etc.  There's no soul.  No personality.  Then I found "Treyning Day"

You won't be dissapointed.
check it!



I'm getting really sick of what is happening to my black people.

Today as I walked home from class, I noticed this group of middle schoolers (I'm assuming but kids are big these days) && the way they acted/ talked was very unbecoming.... lol

Now by no means think I'm passing judgement cuz I cuss like a sailor && proud of it.
But I know there's a time && place for everything, but these kids musta missed that memo.

So the convo goes:

random lil boy:  You a hoe, you was giving him [who? idk] head in the staircase!
random lil girl: How you know? where you there? anyway, that's my boo so I can do whatever I want!
Ok, umm...  Boo? My teeth hurt I was cringing so hard.
they continued:
lil boy: You a hoe cuz you was messin' wit his friend when school started.
lil girl: We broke up.  Why you on my dick? I ain't messin' with you so why you care?
lil boy: Cuz I don't like hoes, you nasty!
lil gurl: Ya mova's a hoe && she nasty!

when did we start to teach our young to hate each other && their selves?
I didn't talk like this when I was younger.  Partly because my mother would snatch me bald if I did.  But mostly because I wouldn't want anyone to talk to me like that.

When did our generation loos it's self respect?  && why are we passing this on to our youth?!


Viral MAC GIVEAWAY!! via theshadesofu.com

October 4, 2009

Free MAKE UP!!!!

1. Blackware glimmerglass
2. Blackfire glimmerglass
3. Blingblack glimmerglass
4. Black Knight cremesheen lipstick
5. Blue Flame mineralize eyeshadow
6. Cinderfella mineralize eyeshadow
7. Wisteria eyeshadow trio (Dame Edna collection)
8. Kirsch mattene lipstick

for details && to enter click to here!


"tat tat tat tat tat tat TATTED UP"

 [post inspired by Epitome]

check out ma tattoos =)

-blu stars wrapping around my left wrist-

-chinese symbol for the word "Brown", my last name, on my right wrist-

-"beauty queen" on the back of my neck-

-shooting stars &&music notes down my right side of my body-




I logged into my myspace page after MONTHS of neglecting it...
I've completely lost interest in it.
Should I delete it?
Yay or Nay??


fill in the blizank. (corny, sorry)

My name is Eury and I am a pessimist. I like to eat and I also love being at home.
I have no brother and 1 evil sister. 
I wish that I was rich and that I was not so sensitive.
In order for me to survive I need stimulation (mind, body, &&spirit).
I hate spanish dudes who gel down their baby hairs, wear jeans three sizes too small, and speak spanglish
I have no patience for ignorance
People most likely think I'm a bitch but they soon find I'm the nicest bitch they'll ever meet =)I need to everyday shower
I know how to piss people off with out trying
I need to hurry up && move out. I don't like it when people don't listen to what is being said. I have an abundance of opinions. When I am bored I like to watch videos on youtube &&stuff my face. By the end of the day all I want is to watch food network. In 10 years I want to have everything I don't have now. I guess you can say I'm pretty fantastic.



is the comment thing working yet??

lol. that is all.


"I ain't have no daddy around when I was growing up...

October 3, 2009

... thats why I'm wild & I don't give (what)"-  Tierra Marie


wanted to start this post on a lighter note.

I've been noticing lately a lot of men receiving praise for taking care of their children, and I mean bare minimum.

Isn't that what they're supposed to do??  If a man has a baby with a woman (willing or not, because if you didn't wanna run the risk of children you shouldn't be fcukin') then he is OBLIGATED to take care of his children.  At least a real man.

I don't get where the break down in the black family happened, but now I feel like it's irreversable.

My family destruction happened around the age of 12.  See, although my mom &&sperm donar never married he made an active effort to be in my life.  He came to school plays, my gynastics tournaments, the whole nine yards.  He was even playing daddy to my sister (we later found out that she has a different father than I)...

Then Vanessa happened... I remember this lady because for a long time I blamed her for the deterioration of my perfect little family.  This high- yellow, water head, bajan woman swept down && stole "daddy".  She had her own son, Damien, && they were all shacking up playing house.

While the visits became less frequent, the phone calls got shorter && shorter, until finally everything just stopped.  Now me being the stubborn person that I am (even back then) I felt like if my father missed me && wanted to see me, then he would.  It was that simple.  So I refused to call.  Refused to write.  I didn't ask that man for anything.

Needless to say, the child support suddenly became a problem for him after 15 years of it not being one.  I can never remember my parents being intimate (I guess they split before I was born) but there was always respect, I guess for my &&my sister's sake.  But I think that evil which was buzzin' in his ear && the respect was gone.

I can't respect anyone who disrespects their mother, the mother of their children, etc. so when I heard stories (once I was much older)  I got a sour taste in my mouth.  The man that use to play barbie with me &&talk me back to sleep after I've had a nightmare wanted nothing to do with me.

So I convinced myself that I wanted nothing to do with him.  I guess it was the only way I could deal with it then.  The only way I could avoid being hurt.

Years pass.  I'm 20 years && away at school at this point when my mother gives me a phone call.  My sperm donar had requested her on myspace.  WTF??!?! Really? Myspace?

He had sent her a message about wanting to contact my sister && I.  So many thoughts rushed through my head.  Why now? What's so different?

I accepted his friend request && exchanged cell numbers with him because I didn't want this to control me any longer.  We spoke maybe twice.  He wanted me to come visit him on spring break in Delaware.  Here I thought he was still living in Brooklyn.  He also wanted me to meet Daron, my three year old brother.

I was so hesitant.  I didn't wanna see him, Daron, Damien or Vanessa.  He had explained to me that Vanessa was no longer in the picture.  Was this why you had sudden interest in the family you left behind?? Hmm.

I didn't go see him.  As much as I thought I could handle it, I couldnt.  As much as I thought I was ready to deal with this && move on, I wasn't.  I haven't spoken to him since.

I am now 21, about to be 22 & have had no father figure for the majority of my life (besides my mom, she has been both parents for me =)).  But this leads me to ask these questions:

  1. Does not having a father in your life affect your ability to interact with the opposite sex?
  2. Do you think it distorts your views on what 'family' is supposed to look like?
  3. Does it make you more inclined to having a broken family of your own someday??
the same goes for not having a mother around, but that doesn't apply in my case.

My point, I think, is love your family.  Learn from your parent's mistakes.  Always try, don't ever half-ass anything.


Milan Fashion Week Faves



Kourtney is weavilicious!

I just don't get why she would get a weave...
The KK dolls have wonderful locks, are they all fake?
SMH and they say weave is a black woman's BFF.


Matthew Knowles steppin' out on Tina.

According to TMZ, Matthew Knowles, Dad/Manager for my idol && Diva Beyonce' Knowles has been accused of fatherin another woman's Baby!

Alexsandra Wright, whom is 6-months pregnant, filed a paternity suit in L.A. County Superior Court naming Matthew to be the father last week.

Wright, who is in her late 30's lives in L.A. && "works in the name- branding business" --huh TMZ?

Knowles is allegedy stepping out on his wife, Tina Knowles, of 29 years.



  • rihanna is supposedly gay now since pics of her && unknown female associate holding hands.  heres a thought: could they just be friends??
  • Lisa Raye && Al Sharpton are a couple?? No comment. check it out
  • Kandi Buruss' ex- fiance was killed outside his strip club, ...
  • Solange's shoot w/ HoneyMag is generating major buzz (probably from people who criticized her months earlier).
  • Joy Bryant's comments about being pro- weave has been blown outta proportion. Let the woman live....
in case you missed it...


R.I.P. AJ (Condolences to Kandi Buruss &&Family)

Ashley Jewell (AJ), former fiance' of House Wives of ATL star Kandi Buruss, was killed in a brawl outside his strip club.  In this seemingly random act of violence, Jewell sustained severe head injuries && died on arrival to Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta, GA.  No arrests have been made as police cannot determine the motive for the fight.

Kandi left this message early this morning via Twitter.com:

I’m bout 2 give my swollen eyes some rest now. I just wanted to say thanks 2 everyone for their prayers. I gotta get up & go 2 my uncle’s funeral. I could never in a million years imagine this happening. Please pray for AJ’s children, that’s who im the most concerned 4. Im just in one of those moods where I dont wanna talk, I dont wanna b held & told its gonna b ok. I just wanna cry myself 2 sleep, alone.

random acts of violence seems to be a growing trend.
my thoughts:

Why is there this sudden burst of violence in the news && media.  Why are our black men killing each other?? Our husbands, sons, brothers, nephews, cousins... All dying.  && why?? No one has an answer for me.  It hurts, this is quickly becoming a world that I want nothing do with.  We gotta do better. Idk how, we just do...
my heart goes out to Kandi, I can't imagine how she's feeling right now...  AJ leaves behind six children


Come on son



new music.

Chris Breezy ft Lil' Wayne &&Swizz Beats- "Transform Ya"



blogspot light.

Spotlight on: Lalaliybean
"DESSERT or disaster*' is funny mix between sarcasm && truth. Ya girl is very blunt, I admire her "fcuk it" attitude.

She rants on about likes, dislikes, pop culture, life, && everything in between.

She's def one to follow...

check out her blog

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